August 30, 2015

Unashamed of the Gospel

Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: The Gospel: An Unchanging Hope in an Ever-changing World Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 1:14–1:17

Romans 1.14-17: We live in a day where the gospel is seen as being foolish and those who truly live it out are seen to be too. The gospel definitely brings about shaming as those who don’t believe in the gospel will have shaming actions toward those who do. The Apostle Paul faced this and in fact knew what it was like to even dish it out before he became a follower of Christ, but to the church at Rome Paul says, “I am not ashamed of the gospel.” We might be shamed, but we are called to be not ashamed of the gospel. Paul gives reason why and how this can be as he calls us to consider the reality and power of the gospel in our culture that wasn’t too different from Rome with two warring mindsets that were present and addressed by Paul. So, may we live a life unashamed of the gospel as we receive, stand, are being saved, daily feeding on and holding fast to the gospel.

other sermons in this series