Matthew:Restoring Spiritual Power
Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom Topic: Kingdom of God Passage: Matthew 17:14–17:23
Work in the Tangible Kingdom is sometimes difficult. Things don’t always go as quick or successful as we hope.
Some days we casually go about our daily walk in God’s Kingdom and suddenly have the opportunity to serve others in the name of Jesus. As we excitedly embrace this tangible moment we sometimes find that we fail miserably. We have good intentions. We want to be used by God but the situation turns in such a way that we are powerless to be used by God.
Why is this? How do we lose spiritual power and what can we do to get it back?
Today in Matthew 17 we are going to place ourselves in the position of the disciples who could not perform a miracle that they had done dozens of times before. Jesus is going to rebuke them but we will discover that a rebuke from Jesus is good for the soul as we humbly place ourselves in His hand.
Then Jesus is going to offer us a tremendous lessons concerning faith. And, as always, give us a wonderful blessing of fresh grace.
other sermons in this series
Jan 26
Matthew: The Great Commission
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 28:16–28:20 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom
Jan 12
Matthew: The Resurrection of Jesus
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 28:1–28:15 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom
Jan 5
Matthew: The Foresight of God
Passage: Matthew 27:57–27:66 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom