Matthew: Humbly Confronting Another Disciple's Sin
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom Topic: Kingdom of God Passage: Matthew 18:15–18:20
Matthew 18.15-20: We have seen over the last two weeks from this section in Matthew’s Gospel that the humility and holiness of a disciple is of utmost importance. This week Jesus continues with that in mind commanding the church to deal with sin of whatever form within the disciple community for the good of the erring disciple and the glory of God. God, just like Jesus shows in the parable of the Shepherd and the sheep, will go to whatever length to restore a child of God back into the fold. We need to humbly go as disciples, following the Lord’s example to restore our brothers and sisters, so evil can be escaped and the sweet fellowship of the kingdom regained.
other sermons in this series
Jan 26
Matthew: The Great Commission
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 28:16–28:20 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom
Jan 12
Matthew: The Resurrection of Jesus
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 28:1–28:15 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom
Jan 5
Matthew: The Foresight of God
Passage: Matthew 27:57–27:66 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom