Sex and Sexuality
Series: #trending Topic: Christ and Culture Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:3–4:8
As we continue our series by looking at topics that are trending in our culture, one topic seems to come to the forefront of our minds. Our culture’s emphasis on sex and sexuality seems to surface everywhere we look. We are inundated with sexual messages in advertising, through song lyrics, and in nearly every show or movie we see.
We often fail to realize that sex was created by God. Just 28 lines into the first chapter of the first book of the entire Bible we read of God’s blessing upon the sexual union of Adam and Eve. From the beginning it was part of God’s plan. But, somehow, it seems that our culture has been able to take what God made and defile it.
This morning we will look at Paul’s letter to an early church submerged in a culture very similar to our own. It was a place where chastity and virtue were uncommon traits. Nevertheless, Christians were to take their standards of sexual morality from God and not from the culture. The same is true today. Who dictates your standard?
other sermons in this series
Feb 23
Living as Disciples in the Digital World
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Romans 12:1–12:2 Series: #trending
Feb 9
Responding to What’s Trending
Passage: Daniel 3:14–3:30 Series: #trending
Feb 2
Living and Thriving in Babylon
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Daniel 1:1–1:20 Series: #trending