January 8, 2017

Cause of Christ

Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: iWitness Topic: Evangelism Passage: Acts 21:15– 26:23

Acts 21-26: iWitness, is not just a catchy phrase, but a statement about one’s life, purpose and mission. We launched into this focus in 2016 and begin our journey through the book of Acts. As we launch into 2017, we will take January to close our time in Acts. As we have seen throughout our study, Jesus calls those who have been empowered by the Holy Spirit, My witnesses. They are those who belong to Jesus and are called to testify to the truth of who Jesus is with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (John 14.26; 1 Peter 3.15). The breadth and length of this witness goes from one’s home, to their sphere of influence in their own neighborhood, to twenty minutes away to their workplace and even beyond the sea to foreign lands. In today’s text, we see the example of the apostle Paul as Christ’s witness. His hope was in a suffering and risen Christ. He knew Jesus alone was the hope and resurrection of the dead. Paul came to this revelation through a dramatic event and he shared it boldly. Christ pursued Paul and saved Him to unleash him as His ambassador to the world. With hope and a story God has unleashed us as well to be about Jesus’ cause in 2017.

other sermons in this series

Jan 29


Acts 29

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Acts 28:11–31 Series: iWitness

Jan 22


The Risk-filled Life

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Acts 23:11– 28:16 Series: iWitness

Nov 20


The Lord's Will Be Done

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Acts 21:1–14 Series: iWitness