Acts 29
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: iWitness Topic: Witness Passage: Acts 28:11–31
Acts 28.11-31: You and I are called to live out Acts 29. You might look in your bible and realize there is no chapter 29 in Acts. Acts 28 ends with a continuation of the gospel mission in mind. The record of Paul’s journey has reached its end here in Acts, but in his end is our beginning. Paul continued to live a life that involved Christ-exalting risks as he boldly proclaimed the gospel to both Jews and Gentiles. The reception was different to the individual, but to those whose hearts were changed had their lives turned around. The mission of God of changing lives continued as Paul along with other disciples lived out the call to be Jesus’ witnesses (Acts 1.8). The church is now on the March as we see it in Rome and nothing can stop it. The work of proclaiming Jesus has continued and for centuries Christians from every walk of life have been writing Acts 29. What will be written of us? Just like Paul and the apostles were Jesus’ plan A, so are you and I. There is no plan B to evangelize the world. Church, we are plan A. Let’s go write Acts 29!
other sermons in this series
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The Risk-filled Life
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Cause of Christ
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Nov 20
The Lord's Will Be Done
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