40 For 40: Abraham and Isaac
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: 40 FOR 40 Topic: Obedience Passage: Genesis 22 :1 –19
This Sunday, we look at another great classic scripture as we turn to Genesis 22. It has been said that it is the greatest scene in all of the Old Testament. God had promised Abraham that his descendants would be like the stars in the sky and that through his descendants all the nations of the earth would be blessed. But Abraham and his wife Sarah, didn’t have any children, let alone a clue about how he would pass down the promise to the next generation. They waited and waited to have children. The years and decades passed and no son came. Abraham was an old man and Sarah beyond the age of childbearing. Then a great miracle of God’s faithfulness, a son, Isaac, was born. What a day! God was faithful and true to His promises. It seemed like this was the end to a beautiful story, but then God asks Abraham to sacrifice the life of his own son. In this most compelling episode we see God's great test, Abraham's faith and obedience, Isaac's willingness and the faithfulness of God to His promises in sparing the life of Isaac. What a scene! Let remember to trust God like Abraham knowing that God will provide.
other sermons in this series
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40 For 40: The Birth of the Church
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40 For 40: Jesus Raises Lazarus From The Dead
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40 For 40: Washing Feet
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