40 For 40: Jesus is Risen
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: 40 FOR 40 Topic: Resurrection Passage: John 20:1–29
As we continue our series, 40 For 40, we look at another great classic on Easter as Jesus is risen. Today we see in John 20, three different conditions of those who encounter Jesus after His resurrection, how Jesus met them right where they were at and how the resurrection is powerful to transform each one. Jesus can do the same for us all today because He has overcome the grave.
other sermons in this series
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40 For 40: The Birth of the Church
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May 30
40 For 40: Jesus Raises Lazarus From The Dead
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May 23
40 For 40: Washing Feet
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: John 13:1–17 Series: 40 FOR 40