40 For 40: Temptations in the Wilderness
Speaker: Brendon Lockette Series: 40 FOR 40 Topic: Temptation Passage: Matthew 4 :1– 4:11
As we continue our series, 40 For 40, we look at another great classic in Matthew 4:1-11, as Jesus is led by the Spirit to be tempted in the wilderness. We will look at the different ways the evil one sought to tempt the Son of God, how he responded, and how his response changes us in the face of temptation.
other sermons in this series
Jun 6
40 For 40: The Birth of the Church
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Acts 2:37–47 Series: 40 FOR 40
May 30
40 For 40: Jesus Raises Lazarus From The Dead
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: John 11:1–46 Series: 40 FOR 40
May 23
40 For 40: Washing Feet
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: John 13:1–17 Series: 40 FOR 40