Isaiah: Hope in Jesus Our Redeemer
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Isaiah: Hope Topic: Redemption, Hope, Jesus Passage: Isaiah 1:21–31
Everyday we flip on the TV, pick up the newspaper or scroll through the phone and we see nothing but corruption and crime. We wonder, is there hope for this world, for people? Isaiah today, is going to say yes there is. But it is found in only one place, one person and nowhere else. So, yes, there is hope. But we first must deal with reality, much like we did last week in the first half of chapter 1. Isaiah wants to take us through the conviction of sin, into repentance where we experience redemption, which is the hope of the world.
other sermons in this series
Jul 31
Isaiah: True Worship
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Isaiah 66:1–24 Series: Isaiah: Hope
Jul 24
Isaiah: Present and Future Grace
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Isaiah 65:1–25 Series: Isaiah: Hope
Jul 17
Isaiah: Longing For The Presence and Power of God
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Isaiah 64:1–12 Series: Isaiah: Hope