Isaiah: The Real Christmas Tree (A Stump)
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Isaiah: Hope Topic: Advent Passage: Isaiah 11:1–10
Today we continue in the season of Advent with looking at Isaiah 11. As we do we see that Isaiah did not have a Christmas tree, but a stump with a single shoot growing from it. That is a real Christmas tree according to Isaiah, but why? It is a picture of the promised Messiah, the Christ, a Savior that will be King. He is the Eternal Son of God who will come as a child born into the world in the obscure town of Bethlehem. He is the signal to the world. A signal of love and hope. Let us all be drawn to the shoot of Jesse this Christmas.
other sermons in this series
Jul 31
Isaiah: True Worship
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Isaiah 66:1–24 Series: Isaiah: Hope
Jul 24
Isaiah: Present and Future Grace
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Isaiah 65:1–25 Series: Isaiah: Hope
Jul 17
Isaiah: Longing For The Presence and Power of God
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Isaiah 64:1–12 Series: Isaiah: Hope