Isaiah: Jesus and His Church
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Isaiah: Hope Topic: Jesus Passage: Isaiah 61:1–11
The message of Isaiah is Jesus. It is all about Him. From the first chapter to the last it is about Jesus and hope He brings to the world in ruins. In Isaiah 61, Jesus, Himself enters the pages declaring that He is the Messiah (Luke 4) that has been anointed by the Father with the Holy Spirit and His mission was to proclaim the best news ever - the gospel! Those changed by the gospel are His church and they receive the same Spirit Jesus was anointed with to go and rebuild the world one living stone at a time. People’s lives laid waste by sin and only one can rebuild – that is Jesus. He has chosen to rebuild lives and societies by His transformed people, the church. We are the rebuilders of ancient ruins.
other sermons in this series
Jul 31
Isaiah: True Worship
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Isaiah 66:1–24 Series: Isaiah: Hope
Jul 24
Isaiah: Present and Future Grace
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Isaiah 65:1–25 Series: Isaiah: Hope
Jul 17
Isaiah: Longing For The Presence and Power of God
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Isaiah 64:1–12 Series: Isaiah: Hope