Colossians: Captivated
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ Passage: Colossians 2:6–2:15
What captivates you? Maybe it is a breathtaking sunset or a beautiful rainbow after a Spring storm. There are many things that can capture our attention and affections. Today we pray that you would be captivated by the Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ alone. He made the sunset, the rainbow and He was triumphal over death by raising from the dead. Be captivated by Jesus on this Easter Sunday.
other sermons in this series
Jun 6
Colossians: A Devoted Life of Ministry
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Colossians 4:2–4:18 Series: Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ
May 30
Colossians: Relationships by the Book Pt. 2
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Colossians 3:22–4:1 Series: Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ
May 16
Colossians: Relationships by the Book Pt. 1
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Colossians 3:18–3:21 Series: Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ