Blowing the Trumpet for the Unborn: What note will we play?
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Standalone Sermon, Not Part of a Series Topic: Adoption Passage: Galatians 4:3–4:7
Today we look at the call we have to blow the trumpet for the unborn. The question is, What note will we play? Today I want us to look at the heart of God for that answer. When we look at God’s heart we seeing a loving Father full of extravagant grace who paid great price to make rebels His sons and daughters. I believe as we look at the vertical adoption of God we are encouraged and challenged to ask, How might we care for the fatherless together? Adoption, foster care and care for the fatherless provides a visible demonstration of the gospel. Our prayer is that this becomes part of our DNA here at The Ridge. The entire congregation takes ownership of it. The children’s ministry is equipped and mobilized to care for adopted and foster children. The small-group ministry is equipped to care for adoptive and foster families. We think through the implications of adoption for a family’s finances. The budget reflects it. Some church members will adopt. Some will foster. Some will finance adoptions. Some will pray and support families. Some will go overseas and give their lives to orphans and the gospel. We must remember that God has done it. He knows what it cost. He stands ready to support it.
other sermons in this series
Jan 19
Sanctity of Life Sunday: Compassion For Those In The Womb and Out
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Psalm 82:1–8 Series: Standalone Sermon, Not Part of a Series
Jan 12
The Church and Church Member
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: 1 Peter 2:9–10 Series: Standalone Sermon, Not Part of a Series
Dec 24
The Great Invitation of Christmas
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 2:1–20 Series: Standalone Sermon, Not Part of a Series