Overcome: Knowing Jesus
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Overcome Topic: Jesus Passage: Matthew 21:1–21:11
Today is the beginning of Holy Week with what the Christian church calls Palm Sunday. It is the day that the church remembers Jesus’ beginning movement to the cross, the grave, the resurrection and eventually His ascension with His entry into Jerusalem. The crowd in Jerusalem was thrown into an uproar at Jesus’ entry into the city. Many in the city were asking, “Who is this?” Many in Jerusalem held the popular disbelief that Jesus was not the Messiah. So, what about us? Who do we believe Jesus is? As we begin Holy Week today may we continue to grow in knowledge of who Jesus is. Jesus will end this week with overcoming power. Let us continue to grow in knowing the One who has overcome so much on our behalf and may we overcome through Him to the end of this age.
other sermons in this series
Apr 8
Overcome: Be Courageous
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: John 16:33–16:33 Series: Overcome
Apr 6
Overcome: Our Faith
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: 1 John 5:1–5:5 Series: Overcome
Apr 5
Overcome: Marriage Supper
Passage: Revelation 19:7–19:10 Series: Overcome