May 12, 2013

Motherhood, a Great and Glorious Calling

Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Standalone Sermon, Not Part of a Series Topic: Motherhood Passage: 2 Timothy 3:10–3:17

2 Timothy 3.10-17: Happy Mothers Day! On this day we honor every mother and God who is the giver of every mom. As we look at today’s text, our prayer is that every women would be encouraged to embrace the biblical calling of marriage, the joyful support of a husband and his calling as you display the relationship between Christ and the church, and motherhood, the transmission of a God-centered, Christ-exalting vision of life to your children, and home-management, the creation of a beautiful and simple place and living organism which becomes a refuge of Christ’s peace and launching pad for God’s righteousness (John Piper). In today’s Scripture text we see the foundation of such in Timothy’s home. He had a grandmother and mother who taught and modeled to him the Word of God. It was the foundation in which they stood on, making the home a place where the Scriptures were alive and it was the launching pad to Timothy’s life as a faithful and passionate servant of Christ. Be encouraged today with the great and glorious calling of God. You might be here today and you maybe have not been able to have children. I want you to know that God is sovereign and He has a great purpose for you. We know that does not make such pain or grief go away, but we do believe you can find comfort in knowing God loves you and has a great mission for you. So, we honor all moms this day and God who is the giver of them all.

other sermons in this series

May 5


Dec 31


Nov 19



Speaker: Coleman Ford Passage: Colossians 3:16–17 Series: Standalone Sermon, Not Part of a Series