Set Free to Express God's Vertical Love Horizontally
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Live Free Topic: Orphans Passage: Ephesians 1:3–5, James :27– 1:27
Over the last 9 weeks we have talked about what it means to truly live free. That those who believe in Jesus and have received Him as Savior and Lord of their life are truly free indeed. They have been set free from the power of sin and death and set free from the death grip that Satan had on their life. Our freedom has a mission to not waste our lives with living for the flesh, but instead to take and seize the opportunity we have in our lifetime through love to serve one another. So, our freedom in Christ and the mission we have impacts relationships as we have seen; it impacts how we see money and what we do with money; and it impacts our giving and whether we will be closed handed or open handed overflowing with generosity. So, our freedom in Christ changes everything and today I want to specifically show you how it impacts something near and dear to the heart of God - the care of orphans. Today, let us be challenged to open our eyes to the plight of the orphan and open our heart to God's vertical love and His desire for us to express horizontally His love in opening our arms, hands and homes to the orphans of the world.
other sermons in this series
Nov 22
A Call to Serve When We are Fatigued
Speaker: David Bird Passage: Mark 6:33–44 Series: Live Free
Nov 15
A Call to Rest and Reconnect with Jesus
Speaker: David Bird Passage: Mark 6:30–32 Series: Live Free
Nov 1
Lessons Learned From A Life Worth Emulating
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Genesis 41:1–57 Series: Live Free