January 19, 2020

Crowned with Glory and Majesty

Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Standalone Sermon, Not Part of a Series Topic: Racial Harmony, Abortion Passage: Psalm 8:1–9

Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday.  Every life whether in the womb or outside the womb matters to God.  Every year at this time we take time to blow the trumpet for the unborn and speak against the evil of abortion.  We also take time to speak against the evil of racism and seek to promote racial harmony.  In Psalm 8, we are given a biblical vision of God and man.  These two issues are about God and about the nature of man created in the image of God. What we believe about God and his majesty, and what we believe about the meaning of being human in relation to God will make all the difference in the world how we think and act about abortion and racism—if we really believe what we say we believe.

other sermons in this series

Jan 12


Jul 28