Love God and Others
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Disciple: Be One, Make One Topic: Love Passage: 1 John 5:1–5:5
1 John 5.1-5: We live in a world that daily gives us a dose of its values. We consistently see that the world has no value for God, life, purity and what is truly good. So, what about us? What are the values of our lives? Values are what you hold dear, what you want to mark your life and they truly define you. They are the things that you want said about you at your funeral. Over the next five weeks we are going to look at six values that are to mark our lives as disciples, as we continue to be disciples that make disciples. Today, we begin by looking at two values: loving God and others. May we truly love God, treasuring Him above all else and may we gladly love others that they may be impacted for eternity.
other sermons in this series
Mar 15
Faithful Stewards
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 14:25–14:35 Series: Disciple: Be One, Make One
Mar 8
Know Truth
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: 2 John 1:1–1:13 Series: Disciple: Be One, Make One
Mar 1
Deny Self and Follow Jesus
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 9:10–9:26 Series: Disciple: Be One, Make One