Malachi: Tremble at God's Love
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Malachi: Return and Fear God Topic: Love of God Passage: Malachi 1:1–1:5
Malachi 1.1-5: When you hear of God’s love for you how do you respond? Do you tremble? Or is it kind of a ho-hum response? Or you might question His love for you because of some event or circumstance that has happened in your life? God wants us to tremble and stand in awe when we come face to face with His love. In Malachi’s writing the people of Israel had become skeptical, careless, indifferent, disobedient, adulterous and stingy. He speaks to them of the love of God to comfort and encourage, but to also shock them. We need shocking words sometimes so that we are taken out of the shallow waters and led out into the depths and that is the case here. Malachi longs for the Israelites to know the depths of God’s free and Sovereign electing love. As he speaks of God’s love it is to lead the Israelites to return to God and fear Him and recognize His glorious reign over all. May we truly recognize this today and tremble at the great love of God.
other sermons in this series
May 31
Malachi: Respond
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Malachi 4:4–4:6 Series: Malachi: Return and Fear God
May 24
Malachi: Reality
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Malachi 3:13–4:6 Series: Malachi: Return and Fear God
May 17
Malachi: Return to God
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Malachi 3:7–3:12 Series: Malachi: Return and Fear God