Malachi: A Passion for the Glory of God
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Malachi: Return and Fear God Topic: Glory of God Passage: Malachi 2:1–2:9
Malachi 2.1-9: As we continue in our series through Malachi, we find God honing in on the priests. They were called to have such a significant role and influence, yet failed. Their greatest failure was not living for the glory of God. The chief end of man is to live for the glory of God. We must not lose sight of that, but continue to have a passion of the glory of God in life and ministry. The priest in Malachi’s day failed to live for the glory of God privately and publically. Their lives showed it and their ministry showed it. Their treatment of the sacrifices and the instruction of God’s Word showed a lost fear for God. As a result, many of the Jews stumbled because of the priests’ failure to obey and honor the Lord. Though pastors and elders are not priests (Christ ended the priesthood), they are given the charge today to instruct and guide the church according to the Word of God. So, today’s message from Malachi must be taken heed by the church leaders of today. The leaders of the church are to have a heart for the glory of God privately and publically. It is to be seen in their walk and teaching. As they are faithful, people will be saved and have their lives transformed. So, pray for your pastors and elders. Pray for the church and its witness. All who belong to Christ are witnesses of Him (Acts 1.8) and therefore must feel the weight of this message as well. May we have a passion for God’s glory.
other sermons in this series
May 31
Malachi: Respond
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Malachi 4:4–4:6 Series: Malachi: Return and Fear God
May 24
Malachi: Reality
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Malachi 3:13–4:6 Series: Malachi: Return and Fear God
May 17
Malachi: Return to God
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Malachi 3:7–3:12 Series: Malachi: Return and Fear God