The True Light is Shining
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: The Father Heart of God - 1 John Topic: Beliefs Passage: 1 John 1:5– 2:11
We all have had misconceptions about something before in our lifetime, but when it comes to God and our relationship with Him misconceptions can be dangerous. John faced many misconceptions and false beliefs in his day that had to be dealt with. In his first letter, John addresses false claims with truth to help his readers to see God for who He is, to help them know what a relationship with God looks like and to help us be assured that we are truly in a relationship with Him. In doing this, John really defines true Christianity. Today, may we let the true Light shine in our hearts and mind, knocking down any misconceptions we may have, so that we may see God for who He really is and know how we as disciples are to live as we seek to walk in the light.
other sermons in this series
Dec 31
Certainties to Know and Grow in 2018
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: 1 John 5:13–21 Series: The Father Heart of God - 1 John
Dec 24
Christmas Is God's Witness To The World
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: 1 John 5:5–13 Series: The Father Heart of God - 1 John
Dec 17
Do we love one another?
Speaker: David Bird Passage: 1 John 4:20– 5:4 Series: The Father Heart of God - 1 John