Ecclesiastes: Life In The Hand of God
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Ecclesiastes: Jesus Is Better Topic: Wisdom Passage: Ecclesiastes 9:1– 10:1
Time and chance may happen to us all. But thanks be to God that Christ Jesus has comes to us in our time and space, in a world of chaos. The providence of God won the victory after all. And if you know Christ Jesus and the power of his resurrection life hidden in you then you have the greatest hope, go and seize the day and live wisely in His power and name.
other sermons in this series
Apr 23
Ecclesiastes: A Closing Counsel For All
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Ecclesiastes 12:1–14 Series: Ecclesiastes: Jesus Is Better
Apr 16
Ecclesiastes: Live Boldly
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:1–10 Series: Ecclesiastes: Jesus Is Better
Apr 2
Ecclesiastes: Jesus, The Poor Wise Man
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Ecclesiastes 9:13–17 Series: Ecclesiastes: Jesus Is Better