Matthew: The Foresight of God
Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom Topic: Glory of God Passage: Matthew 27:57–27:66
There’s an old thought that goes something like this, "it’s always dark before the dawn." Maybe that’s where some of us are at this moment as we close out one year and move into another. We are hoping the dark days are behind us and brighter days lay ahead in 2014.
As we explore the dark burial of Jesus in Matthew 27:57-66 we discover three types of people dealing with the interment of Jesus: Joseph or Arimathea stepped out of the shadow and gave his best during this dark time. Two Marys looked on wondering what the future days would be like. The religious rulers wanted the tomb guarded to insure a new dawn never happened.
Through all this we will see how the Father was threading His tapestry – intersecting lives in crisscross fashion for His purposes and glory. YES – even in a dark time of burial a resurrected light is about to burst forth. And, no one will ever be the same.
other sermons in this series
Jan 26
Matthew: The Great Commission
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 28:16–28:20 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom
Jan 12
Matthew: The Resurrection of Jesus
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 28:1–28:15 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom
Dec 29
Matthew: Born to Die
Passage: Matthew 27:45–27:56 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom