All About Jesus
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: iWitness Topic: Jesus Passage: Acts 3:1–16
Acts 3.1-16: It is all about Jesus. That is a simple conclusion from the text we will look at today. What if life was that simple? It can be. Sure there will be problems. We see a physical problem in today’s text. But the name of Jesus changes everything. That is what happens when our daily life and Jesus meet. There is always an opportunity for change and for God to show Himself to be all powerful, whether to heal a man or to change a heart. That is what God performs through Peter, as a vessel of His glory. Peter is simply walking by faith, by the Spirit, and in obedience. That is what God is looking for from His church, so that He can work through them to impact the people we encounter on a daily basis that they may have their life changed and magnify Him. As we look at this miracle and message today, may we see more of who Jesus is, His working through His church, and praise Him.
other sermons in this series
Jan 29
Acts 29
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Acts 28:11–31 Series: iWitness
Jan 22
The Risk-filled Life
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Jan 8
Cause of Christ
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