Ready Yourself With Repentance
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus Topic: Repentance Passage: Luke 3:1–20
Luke 3: What if the king or queen of a country was planning to make a visit to your city or even your house? How would you get ready? What would you do to prepare? Well, John paints that kind of picture as he begins his ministry of preparing people and making them ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus. How should we get ready for Jesus’ coming? How should we get prepared? How do we experience the fullness of God in our lives? John gives us the answer and the recipe to experience the answer to these questions today.
other sermons in this series
Apr 28
Ready and Bold Witnesses
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 24:36–53 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus
Apr 7
Jesus, Our Sin and Wrath Bearer
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 22:39–53 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus
Mar 31
A Humble Faith
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 22:21–38 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus