The Mission of Jesus
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus Topic: Kingdom of God Passage: Luke 4:14–44
Luke 4.14-44: What is the great cause or mission of your life? Today, we see the great mission of the life of Jesus as He begins His teaching ministry. Jesus came led by the Spirit to bring ultimate freedom to the souls of the poor, the captives, the blind and the oppressed. Yes, He met physical and social needs, but He came ultimately for the greatest need of all and that is salvation. The people’s response to Jesus’ beginning ministry went from great admiration to rage. They wanted Him to be this certain type of political Messiah and tempted Him to be such even in His hometown. But Jesus knew who He was and what He came for. This greatly impacts you and I. We see in the text what Jesus did for us and He gives us an example of what our life is to be focused on too. Let us trust Jesus for who He is and what He did for us and let us also imitate His life and mission.
other sermons in this series
Apr 28
Ready and Bold Witnesses
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 24:36–53 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus
Apr 7
Jesus, Our Sin and Wrath Bearer
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 22:39–53 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus
Mar 31
A Humble Faith
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 22:21–38 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus