May 27, 2018

Take The Handoff and Run

Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus Topic: Trust Passage: Luke 9:1–17

Luke 9.1-17:  I remember growing up the excitement of Sundays in the Fall and watching the Cowboys play.  I would never grow tired of watching Troy Aikman hand the ball off to Emmitt Smith.  The handoff was a big deal as the team was saying to Emmitt, “go to work and get us some yards.”  So, it is with Jesus and the kingdom of God.  Jesus called the twelve disciples to His team, gave them what they needed and handed off to them the mission of the kingdom of God.  What Jesus handed to the disciples is what He has handed to all who believe in Him.  Today, let us know that we have the ball in our hand, we are to be dependent on Jesus as we hit the ground running in ministry to others and even when we face opposition we are to trust Him to provide all we need and more.  Take the hand off and let’s run!  

other sermons in this series

Apr 28


Ready and Bold Witnesses

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 24:36–53 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus

Apr 7


Jesus, Our Sin and Wrath Bearer

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 22:39–53 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus

Mar 31


A Humble Faith

Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 22:21–38 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus