Treasure Jesus as Lord and Savior
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus Topic: Jesus Passage: Luke 20:41–47
Luke 20.41-47: This is not breaking news, but living for Jesus is not popular. Religion, on the otherhand, is cool and safe for most of the world. That is why Jesus was hit with such strong opposition. He came inviting people to die to self and religion and to embrace Him as Lord of all including over one’s heart and life. This will get someone killed, especially if you start promoting the idea that you are God. Well, we know it will lead to that. Before it does, Jesus goes on the offense stating some strong truth about who He is. As a result, He wants us to believe in Him as our Lord and Savior, but that is a phrase thrown around by many today even being used as post game introductions for celebrations. This is very good and yes, that is what we are to believe and confess, but what kind of Lord and Savior is Jesus and to add a third word, do we treasure Him? It takes courage to truly treasure Jesus over living a mere religious life. Let us be encouraged to boldly treasure Jesus as our Lord and Savior today.
other sermons in this series
Apr 28
Ready and Bold Witnesses
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 24:36–53 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus
Apr 7
Jesus, Our Sin and Wrath Bearer
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 22:39–53 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus
Mar 31
A Humble Faith
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Luke 22:21–38 Series: Luke: Treasuring Jesus