Matthew: Inside Out
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom Topic: Kingdom of God Passage: Matthew 15:1–15:20
Matthew 15.1-20: We have been challenged the first three weeks of the Summer to live intentionally for the kingdom of God, that we would see, love, pray and work. An obstacle to living intentionally and staying on mission for the kingdom of God is religion. As we continue to live for the Lord we must keep the Lord as the authority of our life over tradition and mere external regulations. Religion can keep us from seeing real needs around us and dam up the flow of generosity and compassion from our lives. Jesus points out this week that important to being and making disciples is a heart that is His, instead of the keeping of outward regulations. When it comes to Jesus it is all about a relationship with Him and allowing Him to continually change our heart to be more and more like Him.
other sermons in this series
Jan 26
Matthew: The Great Commission
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 28:16–28:20 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom
Jan 12
Matthew: The Resurrection of Jesus
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 28:1–28:15 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom
Jan 5
Matthew: The Foresight of God
Passage: Matthew 27:57–27:66 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom