Matthew: Humble Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom Topic: Kingdom of God Passage: Matthew 17:24–18:6
Matthew 17.24-18.6: This part of Matthew’s Gospel is brilliant in its structure speaking loud of the gospel being the center, the foundation, the thing that surrounds us on every side, the thing that is to consume us and be everything. We saw that as we began last week in Matthew 17.22-23 and then we see that as Jesus will go to the crux of the gospel again in Matthew 20.17-19. These bookends that speak of the white hot center of the gospel surround the beautiful teaching of Jesus that addresses the conduct of those who have been saved and redeemed by the gospel. Those who have been united with Christ in His death and resurrection by faith are citizens of the kingdom of heaven. While here on this earth disciples are to conduct themselves as Jesus directs them and the first thing we see today that they are to have is the heart of humility. Such a heart and life is possible when, as Andrew Murray says, before God we see ourselves as nothing, have put aside self, and let God be all. May it be so not just in a momentary expression this morning, but in the very essence of our life.
other sermons in this series
Jan 26
Matthew: The Great Commission
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 28:16–28:20 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom
Jan 12
Matthew: The Resurrection of Jesus
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Matthew 28:1–28:15 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom
Jan 5
Matthew: The Foresight of God
Passage: Matthew 27:57–27:66 Series: Matthew's Gospel: The King and His Kingdom