Living and Thriving in Babylon
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: #trending Topic: Christ and Culture Passage: Daniel 1:1–1:20
Daniel 1: Today we begin a new series, entitled #trending. There are important thoughts and issues in today’s culture that we as Christians must think biblically about. Over the next few Sundays, we will look at how we are to live and navigate in the culture God has us in. As we look at Daniel today, we find a young man who found himself in a tough situation, a dark place and time. We learn from Daniel great lessons about God and how to live and thrive in the culture God has us in, even Babylon.
other sermons in this series
Feb 23
Living as Disciples in the Digital World
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Romans 12:1–12:2 Series: #trending
Feb 16
Sex and Sexuality
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:3–4:8 Series: #trending
Feb 9
Responding to What’s Trending
Passage: Daniel 3:14–3:30 Series: #trending