Living as Disciples in the Digital World
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: #trending Topic: Christ and Culture Passage: Romans 12:1–12:2
As we continue in our series on how to live in and engage today’s culture as Christ’s disciples we take a look at the digital age we live in. Ralph Waldo Emerson says, This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. The modern digital age we live in can be a good one, if we as disciples know how to navigate in it as Christ’s disciples. On the other hand it can also be dangerous and destructive. As those seeking to not be conformed to the ways of the world, but to be transformed into the likeness of Christ it is important that we live in this digital age in a responsible and God honoring way. So, today we will look at the digital world and how as Christian’s we should live.
other sermons in this series
Feb 16
Sex and Sexuality
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:3–4:8 Series: #trending
Feb 9
Responding to What’s Trending
Passage: Daniel 3:14–3:30 Series: #trending
Feb 2
Living and Thriving in Babylon
Speaker: Jerry Witham Passage: Daniel 1:1–1:20 Series: #trending