Transformation: The Renewing of Our Minds
Speaker: Jerry Witham Series: Transformation Topic: Minds Passage: Romans 12:1–12:2
Romans 12.1-2: The human mind is complex and in many ways a great mystery still. God has created our minds, but we know that because of sin they are depraved and corrupt. Something is wrong with our minds. The spirit of the mind is bent toward the exalting and treasuring of self. So, our minds need great change and more information is not simply the answer. The only answer for regeneration is Jesus. As we experience new life in Christ we are now to think differently, loving the Lord with our heart, soul and mind. But this doesn’t happen overnight. It is a continuing process where we become more like Christ in all of our life including our thinking. All of our minds need reprogramed so that our thinking resembles more and more the way God wants us to think. May we encouraged today to renew our minds daily, so we will be changed more and more into the image of Christ.
other sermons in this series
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What is Devotion
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Aug 9
The Look
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Aug 2
Have we sold Christ?
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