What is Devotion
Speaker: Ysavel Medina Series: Transformation Topic: Revival Passage: Acts 2:37–2:47
The word devotion is key part of your walk with the Lord. What does your devotion to God look like?
Let me remind you that God, The Great I AM, is devoted to his children. He loves and cares so much that His son Jesus, left His heavenly throne to become human, to live among us and experience life the good and bad that happens. Then this Jesus, demonstrated devotion by dying a horrible death, nailed to cross, that we, who belief might have eternal life with The Great I Am. Now that real devotion.
So, back to my original question, “What does your devotion to God look like?”
other sermons in this series
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The Look
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Aug 2
Have we sold Christ?
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Mar 22
The Call of Commitment
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