Have we sold Christ?
Speaker: Ysavel Medina Series: Transformation Topic: Discipleship Passage: Matthew 10:1–10:4
This morning we are going to take a different look at this year’s theme of “Transformation.” We’re going to take a look at one of the most unlikely examples from the original twelve disciples, Judas Iscariot. We all know he sold Christ for thirty pieces of silver.
But the question, “Have we sold Christ?” Have you put other priorities in front Jesus?
Judas ended up hanging himself after getting what he wanted. He had his priorities and they did not include putting Jesus first. Oh how we pray that none of us fall in the same trap. May we not sell out Jesus by putting our desires, our wants above those of Christ.
other sermons in this series
Aug 16
What is Devotion
Speaker: Ysavel Medina Passage: Acts 2:37–2:47 Series: Transformation
Aug 9
The Look
Speaker: Ysavel Medina Passage: Luke 22:60–22:62 Series: Transformation
Mar 22
The Call of Commitment
Passage: 2 Chronicles 29:1–29:11 Series: Transformation